Contactul. Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Toruń
tel./fax: +48 56 611 4415
obrazek nr 1


The Department of Communication, Media and Journalism was established in 2019 as a result of the transfer of the Department of Journalism and Social Communication (existing since 2007) to the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. The department employs nine people (two professors, five people with a PhD, DSc degree and two with a PhD degree). The department permanently cooperates with specialists in the field of image communication and journalists.

The Department conducts research focusing on various aspects of social communication and media, with particular emphasis on: mass and political communication, journalism, visual communication, anthropology and sociology of culture, symbolic politics, freedom of speech and media freedom, critical theories of media and communication, mediatization of culture and society.

Since 2007, the Department has been conducting first- and second-cycle studies in journalism and social communication. Classes conducted by the employees of the Department are related to their research. In turn, the Department’s associates conduct practical courses in journalism and image communication. The Department’s employees conduct BA and MA seminars.