Research staff
dr Magdalena Cyrklaff-GorczycaAssistant Professor
Department of Information Space Research, Institute of Information and Communication Research
room no: C 2.10, Coll. Humanisticum, Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: 56 611 22 17
ORCID: 0000-0002-4062-1966
My scientific, teaching and practical interests are:
- media, information and library services for people at risk of exclusion,
- inclusive activities in libraries and other cultural institutions,
- pathologies related to the use of information and media (e.g. Internet addiction),
- verifying information (counteracting disinformation, identifying fake news, deepfake, fact-checking, etc.)
- psychology of media and new technologies (human interactions with social media, games, artificial intelligence, etc.),
- education in the field of information, digital and media competences,
- user experience design,
- emotional and cognitive aspects of mental disorders,
- bibliotherapy,
- promotion, branding and public relations.
Office Hours:
W dniach 11-16, 18-31 lipca oraz cały sierpień jestem na urlopie i nie odbieram emaili.
Na ostatnie dyżury w roku akademickim 2023/2024 zapraszam w dniach: 3 i 10 września w godz. 12-13.30.
Co najmniej 2 dni przed przyjściem lub spotkaniem online proszę napisać e-maila z zapowiedzią i celem swojej wizyty.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie
M. Cyrklaff-Gorczyca
See profile in Research Portal